Welcome to our new official shop for

BlueMagicBall® and BlueWish®!

BlueMagicBall® and BlueWish® were developed to make everyday life in the household easier and better with natural materials. Finally no odors and harmful bacteria!

BlueWish® – the new generation of cleaning wipes for the blue planet! No more microplastics, made from 100% tree cellulose. Nature says thank you!

BlueMagicBall® ensures revolutionary cleanliness! Thanks to bioactive silver ions, your laundry will be free of bacteria and odors and your washing machine will finally be freed from harmful germs.

Sustainability is a matter close to our hearts. That is why we are always interested in rethinking and improving our entire production and sales process. We expect this not only from ourselves, but also from our suppliers.


With the products BlueMagicBall® and BlueWish®, the first efficient dosing systems for silver ions for use in the washing machine or in the household were developed and that without nanotechnology! It was and is particularly important to us that the technology does not harm people or nature.


About us

Innovations that simplify and improve everyday household chores are our passion!



Our goal is to offer our customers products that meet the highest quality criteria. That is why our products have been tested and certified by independent laboratories.


used by thousands of customers around the world on a daily basis

For over 16 years on the market

Known from TV – MDR „Einfach Genial! Pro7 Welt der Wunder and various print media, winner of the Thuringia Innovation Award (audience award)

Thats what our customers say:
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I've been using the BlueMagicBall for about 10 years now. There is nothing cheaper and more effective to get laundry hygienically clean.
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I've been using the BlueMagicBall for about 10 years now. There is nothing cheaper and more effective to get laundry hygienically clean.
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I've been using the BlueMagicBall for about 10 years now. There is nothing cheaper and more effective to get laundry hygienically clean.
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We got to know the balls 14 years ago at a trade fair and they have been in use ever since. We are extremely satisfied. The laundry smells great.
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These bluewish cleaning cloths are completely different: I've been using the first dishcloth for three weeks and have it hanging over the sink - so far no unpleasant odors or fruit flies. I'm excited! In my opinion, exactly these wipes should be standard - for me, all the others are no more than disposable wipes that you would have to dispose of after 2-3 days at the latest. Therefore from my side a clear purchase recommendation!
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I've been looking for a long time for a rag that doesn't smell like it's going to rot after the first week. Then I saw and bought this product. At first I was skeptical that the product would deliver what it promised. But I've been using the bluewish cleaning cloth for over a week and I have to say it doesn't smell, the cloth dries immediately and I'm thrilled. Too bad I only discovered the bluewish so late.

current info

Liebe Kunden, Partner, Lieferanten und Freunde des Hauses,
wir wünschen Ihnen Allen frohe Ostern und erholsame Feiertage! Mögen diese Tage voller Freude,
Entspannung und schönen Momenten im Kreise Ihrer Liebsten sein. Vielen Dank für Ihre
Unterstützung und Zusammenarbeit.
#ostern24 #osterfreuden #bluewisch #spültuch #reinigungstuch #hygieneinderküche #bakterieninderküche

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Wie immer gibt es bei uns in der Adventszeit Sparsets mit
20 % Rabatt.
#adventsangebote #sparset #rabattaktion #weihnachten23 #bluemagicball #bluewish #starkeangebote #silberball #waschball #reinigungstuch #hygienetuch #bakterienfrei #hygiene

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BlueMagicBall versus Hygienespüler

„Nachdem sämtliche Hygienespüler es nicht geschafft hatten, die Gerüche zu neutralisieren… die Bälle haben Wunder bewirkt und stinke T Shirts und alte Handtücher oder Spüllappen kommen geruchlos aus der Waschmaschine.“

Dieser Kundenkommentar sagt, warum der BlueMagicBall bei unseren Kunden so beliebt ist. Blau, klein, stylisch, pfiffig, leicht anwendbar und vor allem mit einer unglaublichen Wirkung für die tägliche Wäsche ausgestattet – so lässt sich der revolutionäre BlueMagicBall® in aller Kürze beschreiben. Sein Geheimnis steckt in der ausgeklügelten und innovativen Technologie auf der Basis von Silberionen. Diese macht es möglich, dass der BlueMagicBall® bei allen Textilien dauerhaft eine antibakterielle und geruchsreduzierende Wirkung erzielt.
#bluemagicball #silberionen #waschball #hygienespüler #geruchsreduktion #hygiene #waschmaschine #grüche #bakterien #silber #antibakteriell #antibakterielleausstattung #keinebakterien

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